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Назив: Experiences and privacy issues - usage of Moodle in Serbia and Slovenia
Аутори: Ivanovic Mirjana 
Welzer Tatjana
Putnik Zoran
Hölbl Marko
Komlenov Živana
Pribela Ivan 
Schweighofer Tina
Кључне речи: Moodle, localization, privacy, experiences
Датум издавања: 2009
Часопис: Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning 2009, 12th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning - ICL 2009, Villach, Austria, 2009, No 12
Сажетак: In this paper, results of a questionnaire compiled in order to reflect the student experiences with Moodle with focus on usability of the platform and privacy concerns will be presented. The goals of the questionnaire were to provide insight into student opinions, expectations and reservations regarding usability and privacy when using functionalities of a system. Students were also asked to evaluate the quality of the available material and usage of various assessment means. Visibility of user’s profile information, results and grades was considered as well. Further, we discussed the impact of localization (both Serbian and Slovenian language packs are available). Survey was conducted during the school-year 2008/09 at both institutions, with more than a hundred students at each one.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/26095
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