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Назив: Alleviation of cadmium toxicity by naphthenate treatment
Аутори: Kevrešan S. 
Ćirin-Novta V.
Kuhajda K.
Kandrač J.
Petrović, N.
Grbović L.
Kevrešan, Žarko 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2004
Часопис: Biologia Plantarum
Сажетак: The work is concerned with the effect of low concentrations (10 -7 mol dm-3) of sodium naphthenate on total content of Cd and its particular forms in the intercellular space and inside cells, as well as on some physiological and biochemical parameters of young soybean plants grown in the presence of 1 mmol dm-3 solution of cadmium chloride. Presence of naphthenate reduced in average by 40 % content total and intracellular Cd in root, stem and leaves and alleviated the harmful effect of Cd on activity of nitrate reductase and content of photosynthetic pigments.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14457
ISSN: 00063134
DOI: 10.1023/B:BIOP.0000041103.17285.26
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