Browsing by Author Klašnja-Milićević, Aleksandra
Showing results 1 to 20 of 48
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Facilitate Use of E-Learning System on Mobile Devices | Vesin B.; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivanović Mirjana |
2013 | Applying Collaborative Tagging and Semantic Web Technologies for Providing Recommendation in Programming Tutoring System | Vesin B.; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
2013 | Applying recommender systems and adaptive hypermedia for e-learning personalization | Vesin Boban; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
2019 | Big data and collective intelligence | Mirjana Ivanovic ; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra |
2017 | Comparison of E-learning personalization systems: Protus and PLeMSys | Ivanović Mirjana ; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivković Jovana; Blažeska-Tabakovska Nataša |
1-Nov-2017 | Data science in education: Big data and learning analytics | Klašnja-Milićević, Aleksandra ; Ivanović, Mirjana ; Budimac, Zoran |
2017 | Data science in education: Big data and learning analytics | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
2020 | Designing Personalized Learning Environments-The Role of Learning Analytics | Klasnja Milicevic Aleksandra ; Ivanovic Mirjana ; Bela Stantic |
2010 | E-learning at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics - From the First Steps to Elements of Web 2.0 | Budimac Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Putnik Zoran; Komlenov Živana; Pribela Ivan ; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Vesin Boban |
2011 | E-Learning Personalization Based on Hybrid Recommendation Strategy and Learning Style identification | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Vesin Boban; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
2017 | E-Learning Systems: Intelligent Techniques for Personalization | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Vesin Boban; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran ; Jain Lakhmi |
2018 | Enhancing e-learning systems with personalized recommendation based on collaborative tagging techniques | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Vesin Boban; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |
1-Jan-2018 | Experiences and perspectives of Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education - Serbian case | Ivanović, Mirjana ; Klašnja-Milićević, Aleksandra ; Aleksić V.; Bratić, Brankica ; Mandić, Milinko |
2018 | Experiences and perspectives of Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education–Serbian case | Mirjana Ivanovic ; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Aleksić Veljko; Bratić Brankica ; Mandić Milinko |
2016 | Eye-tracking Techniques and Methods - Important Trends in e-Learning Environments | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Porta Marco; Cantoni Virginio |
1-Jan-2019 | The future of learning multisensory experiences: Visual, audio, smell and taste senses | Aleksandra Klašnja-Milićević ; Zoran Marošan ; Mirjana Ivanović ; Ninoslava Savić; Boban Vesin |
2018 | The Future of Learning Multisensory Experiences: Visual, Audio, Smell and Taste Senses | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Marošan Zoran ; Ivanović Mirjana ; Savić Ninoslava; Vesin B. |
2019 | Integration of Business Intelligence Course to Master Academic Studies in Informatics | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ranković Nevena ; Mirjana Ivanovic |
2017 | Integration of Eye Tracking Technologies and Methods in an E-learning System | Ivanovic Mirjana ; Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Ivković Jovana; Porta Marco |
2011 | Integration of Recommendations and Adaptive Hypermedia into Java Tutoring System | Klašnja-Milićević Aleksandra ; Vesin Boban; Ivanović Mirjana ; Budimac Zoran |