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Назив: Cloning of the genes for non-medullary thyroid cancer: Methods and advances
Аутори: Stankov, Karmen 
Romeo G.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2006
Часопис: Archive of Oncology
Сажетак: In last ten years, significant advances have occurred in thyroid endocrinology, as a consequence of the generalized use of molecular biology techniques. New genes involved in the development of thyroid cancer have been identified, which had a great impact on our understanding of thyroid cancer predisposition. All cancers are genetic in origin because they arise from mutations in a single somatic cell, but the genetic changes in sporadic cancers are confined to a particular tissue. In inherited cancers, a predisposing mutation is present in all somatic cells and in the germ line, which enables the transmission of risk to the next generation. Cancer genetics offers a model of how information on the genetics of inherited cancers could affect identification of individuals at increased genetic risk. © 2006, Institute of Oncology Sremska Kamenica.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9989
ISSN: 3547310
DOI: 10.2298/AOO0602030S
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