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Назив: Nonlinear dynamics of microtubules: Biophysical implications
Аутори: Sataric M.
Tuszynski J.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2005
Часопис: Journal of Biological Physics
Сажетак: A recently developed model of nonlinear dynamics for microtubules is further expanded based on the biophysical arguments involving the secondary structure of the constitutive protein tubulin and on the ferroelectric properties of microtubules. It is demonstrated that kink excitations arise due to GTP hydrolysis that causes a dynamical transition in the structure of tubulin. The presence of an intrinsic electric field associated with the structure of a microtubule leads to unidirectional propagation of the kink excitation along the microtubule axis. This mechanism offers an explanation of the dynamic instability phenomenon in terms of the electric field effects. Moreover, a possible elucidation of the unidirectional transport of cargo via motor proteins such as kinesin and dynein is proposed within the model developed in this paper. © Springer 2005.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9960
ISSN: 00920606
DOI: 10.1007/s10867-005-7288-1
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