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Title: Correlation between the blood pool tomoscintigraphy (SPECT) and planar scintigraphy in the diagnostic of the liver hemangioma
Authors: Kamenjicki E.
Stefanović, Ljiljana 
Adić O.
Issue Date: 1-Jan-1993
Journal: Medicinski pregled
Abstract: The aim of the study was the estimation of diagnostic importance of the hepatic blood pool tomoscintigraphy (SPECT) and planar scintigraphy in patients investigated under suspicion of the liver hemangioma. In the diagnostic procedure the correlation between radiocolloidal scintigraphy, blood pool planar scintigraphy (early and late) and SPECT was made. Sixty-seven patients with focal lesions in the liver were investigated. The blood pool scintigraphy was made after application of traser dose of 99mTc and equilibration of tagged red blood cells in circulation. The planar scintigraphy was made 20 min after the red cells tagging and again 2 hours later (early and late scintigrams). SPECT was also applied to make the diagnostic procedure more accurate. From 31 hemangiomas detected by SPECT only 19.4% were clearly visible by planar scintigraphy. The diagnostic of very small hemangiomas is enabled by SPECT too.
ISSN: 258105
Appears in Collections:FTN Publikacije/Publications

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