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Назив: Fuzzy logic approach to predicting waiting time
Аутори: Jovanović, Bojan 
Kujaćić M.
Šarac, Dragana 
Atanasković, Predrag 
Датум издавања: 28-феб-2013
Часопис: Metalurgia International
Сажетак: The postal network units of the Post of Serbia provide postal services as well as financial services. A high quality of service must be achieved for the Post of Serbia to remain competitive with the banks which offer the same services. Waiting queues were videotaped since they are one of the main indicators of the quality of services. We took a closer look at the waiting time of customers because this value forms an immediate impression of the quality of services provided. Reviewing the obtained data (queue length, service rate and number of active counters), a model for predicting waiting time was created. Additionally, simulation with managing the number of active counters was carried out in order to determine their optimal operating mode which would make waiting time acceptable to customers.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9107
ISSN: 15822214
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