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Назив: Workflow Management System for DMS
Аутори: Nedić, Nemanja 
Švenda, Goran 
Датум издавања: 19-дец-2013
Часопис: Information Technology and Control
Сажетак: Dramatic enrichment of high speed communication technology at affordable costs enabled the resolution of problems related to the limitations of power supply. Therefore, introduction of Smart Grid for managing highly controllable power grids has become indispensable. Its very important part is Distribution Management System (DMS). These sophisticated systems execute a large number of workflows with very high resource requirements. In this paper dynamic, centralized scheduling strategies for allocating DMS workflows are presented and compared. Also, a distributed scheduling algorithm for DMS calculation engine is developed. It is argued that minor investment in the resources and introduction of a hybrid scheduling algorithm leads to the significant boost of the system performance. The hybrid scheduling algorithm is the result of combining centralized and distributed scheduling strategies. Experimental study shows that considerable improvement of overall system performance is achieved by using developed algorithms for designing effective schedulers when make-span and workload are optimized.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8489
ISSN: 1392124X
DOI: 10.5755/j01.itc.42.4.4546
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