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Назив: Markovian MODALOHR queueing system - MMQS
Аутори: Tanackov, Ilija 
Vesković, Dunja
Stojić, Gordan 
Tepić J.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2012
Часопис: International Conference on Industrial Logistics, ICIL 2012 - Conference Proceedings
Сажетак: The paper contains a detailed methodological procedure for the development of MODALOHR queueing systems with an intermodal technique. The standard modelling approach is based on the assumption that the operating times at the terminal are exponentially distributed, i.e. the system processes are Markovian. Thus, Markovian Modalohr Queueing System, MMQS, is declared. The methodological procedure was performed through several phases: the declaration of basic transit intensities of MMQS loading and unloading, declaration of MMQS basic module with symbolic intensities, formation of universal MMQS with symbolic intensities, formation translation of the universal MMQS and formational selection of the universal MMQS - the selected MMQS.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8312
ISBN: 9789537738167
Налази се у колекцијама:FTN Publikacije/Publications

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