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Назив: Unconventional bearing capacity analysis and optimization of multicell box girders
Аутори: Tepic J.
Doroslovački, Rade 
Djelosevic M.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2014
Часопис: The Scientific World Journal
Сажетак: This study deals with unconventional bearing capacity analysis and the procedure of optimizing a two-cell box girder. The generalized model which enables the local stress-strain analysis of multicell girders was developed based on the principle of cross-sectional decomposition. The applied methodology is verified using the experimental data (Djelosevic et al., 2012) for traditionally formed box girders. The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of results obtained for the two-cell box girder is realized based on comparative analysis using the finite element method (FEM) and the ANSYS v12 software. The deflection function obtained by analytical and numerical methods was found consistent provided that the maximum deviation does not exceed 4%. Multicell box girders are rationally designed support structures characterized by much lower susceptibility of their cross-sectional elements to buckling and higher specific capacity than traditionally formed box girders. The developed local stress model is applied for optimizing the cross section of a two-cell box carrier. The author points to the advantages of implementing the model of local stresses in the optimization process and concludes that the technological reserve of bearing capacity amounts to 20% at the same girder weight and constant load conditions. © 2014 Jovan Tepic et al.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7752
DOI: 10.1155/2014/496398
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