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Назив: Public broadcasting crisis as management crisis: A case study of radio television of vojvodina
Аутори: Ratković-NJegovan, Biljana 
Sidanin I.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2014
Часопис: Journal of East European Management Studies
Сажетак: In the context of increasing financial uncertainty for the public service media (PSM) in Serbia, and criticism on its attitudes such as clientelism and political paternalism, the questions of management efficiency of public service broad¬casting (PSB) companies and their success in providing quality services are more difficult to answer than ever. The paper analyses the key aspects of the cri¬sis that regional PSB Radio televizija Vojvodine - RTV (Vojvodina Broadcasting Company) has faced since 2005, drawing attention to the lack of strategic per¬formance management over the years. The general framework of the distin¬guished authors' ideas on the nature and causes of the crisis of European PSBs is provided by comparing those supporting the survival of the PSBs as the "pub¬lic good" mediating "public values", with the ones criticising severely the "privileged" market position and "continuous state assistance". © Rainer Hampp Verlag.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7441
ISSN: 9496181
DOI: 10.1688/JEEMS-2014-03-Njegovan
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