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Назив: Conflict set and waveform modelling for power amplifier design
Аутори: Juhas, Anamarija 
Novak L.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2015
Часопис: Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Сажетак: © 2015 Anamarija Juhas and Ladislav A. Novak. Various classes of nonnegative waveforms containing dc component, fundamental and k th harmonic k ≥ 2, which proved to be of interest in waveform modelling for power amplifier (PA) design, are considered in this paper. In optimization of PA efficiency, nonnegative waveforms with maximal amplitude of fundamental harmonic and those with maximal coefficient of cosine term of fundamental harmonic (optimal waveforms) play an important role. Optimal waveforms have multiple global minima and this fact closely relates the problem of optimization of PA efficiency to the concept of conflict set. There is also keen interest in finding descriptions for various classes of suboptimal waveforms, such as nonnegative waveforms with at least one zero, nonnegative waveforms with maximal amplitude of fundamental harmonic for prescribed amplitude of k th harmonic, nonnegative waveforms with maximal coefficient of cosine part of fundamental harmonic for prescribed coefficients of k th harmonic, and nonnegative cosine waveforms with at least one zero. Closed form descriptions for all these suboptimal types of waveforms are provided in this paper. Suboptimal waveforms may also have multiple global minima and therefore be related to the concept of conflict set. Four case studies of usage of closed form descriptions of nonnegative waveforms in PA modelling are also provided.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6339
ISSN: 1024123X
DOI: 10.1155/2015/585962
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