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Назив: The customized daltonization method using discernible colour bins
Аутори: Milić, Neda 
Belhadj F.
Novaković, Dragoljub 
Датум издавања: 23-сеп-2015
Часопис: 2015 Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, CVCS 2015
Сажетак: © 2015 IEEE. Contemporary media entail colour-coded information. While an average viewer takes colour images for granted, individuals with colour vision deficiency have difficulties in discriminating certain colour combinations and, consequently, have difficulties in perceiving image features. Well-established simulation tools allow us to see the image from their perspective that goes beyond the stereotypical inability to tell red from green by affecting the perception of the entire spectrum. Daltonization methods utilise these simulations to enhance the perceptual image quality for the target population. The paper presents a new concept of daltonization based on finding the optimal choice of discernible colour bins for each image. Similar to other contentdependent methods, the used remapping balances between colour contrast enhancement and naturalness preservation. By providing type and severity of the deficiency and the preferable contrast-naturalness balance and as input parameters, the method can be customized for a particular colour deficient individual.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5342
ISBN: 9781479917655
DOI: 10.1109/CVCS.2015.7274899
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