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Title: Compressed sensing in MRI with a Markov random field prior for spatial clustering of subband coefficients
Authors: Panić, Marko 
Aelterman, Jan
Crnojević, Vladimir 
Pižurica, Aleksandra
Issue Date: Aug-2016
Journal: European Signal Processing Conference
Abstract: © 2016 IEEE. Recent work in compressed sensing of magnetic resonance images (CS-MRI) concentrates on encoding structured sparsity in acquisition or in the reconstruction stages. Subband coefficients of typical images obey a certain structure, which can be viewed in terms of fixed groups (like wavelet trees) or statistically (certain configurations are more likely than others). Approaches using wavelet tree-sparsity have already demonstrated excellent performance in MRI. However, the use of statistical models for spatial clustering of the subband coefficients has not been studied well in CS-MRI yet, although the potentials of such an approach have been indicated. In this paper, we design a practical reconstruction algorithm as a variant of the proximal splitting methods, making use of a Markov Random Field prior model for spatial clustering of subband coefficients. The results for different undersampling patterns demonstrate an improved reconstruction performance compared to both standard CS-MRI methods and methods based on wavelet tree sparsity.
ISSN: 2076-1465
DOI: 10.1109/EUSIPCO.2016.7760311
Appears in Collections:IBS Publikacije/Publications
TF Publikacije/Publications

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