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Назив: Rapid small-signal stability assessment and enhancement following changes in topology
Аутори: Sarić, Andrija 
Stankovic A.
Датум издавања: 1-мај-2015
Часопис: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Сажетак: © 1969-2012 IEEE. The paper proposes a scalable and tractable algorithm for dynamic topology optimization of power systems involving changes in branch on/off status, while respecting small-signal stability (SSS) constraints. A procedure for fast updates of the system matrices (in descriptor form) and without additional full matrix inversions is proposed. To additionally reduce the computation time, only critical eigenvalues (right-most or those in a specified damping ratio and frequency range) are calculated. A quadratic optimization approach is proposed for optimized generation re-dispatch to satisfy SSS constraints. The approach is applied to two (medium- and large-scale) real-world test power systems.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4056
ISSN: 8858950
DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2342494
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