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Назив: On Optimal Truncated Biharmonic Current Waveforms for Class-F and Inverse Class-F Power Amplifiers
Аутори: Juhas, Anamarija 
Dautović, Staniša
Novak L.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2017
Часопис: Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Сажетак: © 2017 Anamarija Juhas et al. In this paper, two-parameter families of periodic current waveforms for class-F and inverse class-F power amplifiers (PAs) are considered. These waveforms are obtained by truncating cosine waveforms composed of dc component and fundamental and either second (k=2) or third (k=3) harmonic. In each period, waveforms are truncated to become zero outside of a prescribed interval (so-called conduction angle). The considered families of waveforms include both discontinuous and continuous waveforms. Fourier series expansion of truncated waveform contains an infinite number of harmonics, although a number of harmonics may be missing. Taking into account common assumptions that for class-F PA the third (n=3) harmonic is missing in current waveform and for inverse class-F PA the second (n=2) harmonic is missing in current waveform, we consider the following four cases: (i) n=k=3, (ii) n=3, k=2, (iii) n=k=2, and (iv) n=2, k=3. We show that, in each of these cases, current waveform enabling maximal efficiency (optimal waveform) of class-F and inverse class-F PA is continuous for all conduction angles of practical interest. Furthermore, we provide closed-form expressions for parameters of optimal current waveforms and maximal efficiency of class-F (inverse class-F) PA in terms of conduction angle only. Two case studies of practical interest for PA design, involving suboptimal current waveforms, along with the results of nonlinear simulation of inverse class-F PA, are also presented.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3682
ISSN: 1024123X
DOI: 10.1155/2017/1390295
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