Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3106
Назив: Architecture and partial implementation of the remote monitoring platform for patients with movement disorders
Аутори: Berbakov L.
Pavković, Bogdan 
Marković, Vesna
Svetel M.
Датум издавања: 5-јул-2017
Часопис: 2017 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference: Galvanize Your Creativity, ZINC 2017
Сажетак: © 2017 IEEE. In the coming years, the Internet of Things offers great promises for healthcare. The possibility to remotely monitor patient's vital parameters offers a number of benefits: doctors can be aware of patient's condition in real time and timely react in the case of emergency. Besides, patients are much more comfortable to stay at homes while avoiding expensive hospitalization costs. In this paper, we propose an architecture of a remote monitoring system for patients with movement disorders. We have developed one of building blocks - wireless inertial sensors platform that can be used in evaluation of therapy effectiveness for patients with spasmodic torticollis. Finally, we have demonstrated the effectiveness of our prototype TremorSense application: by analysing measurements acquired from patients with head dystonic tremor we have numerically confirmed effectiveness of the botulinum toxin injection treatment., In the coming years, the Internet of Things offers great promises for healhcare. The possibility to remotely monitor patient's vital parameters offers a number of benefits: doctors can be aware of patient's condition in real time and timely react in the case of emergency. Besides, patients are much more comfortable to stay at homes while avoiding expensive hospitalization costs. In this paper, we propose an architecture of a remote monitoring system for patients with movement disorders. We have developed one of building blocks - wireless inertial sensors platform that can be used in evaluation of therapy effectiveness for patients with spasmodic torticollis. Finally, we have demonstrated the effectiveness of our prototype TremorSense application: by analysing measurements acquired from patients with head dystonic tremor we have numerically confirmed effectiveness of the botulinum toxin injection treatment.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3106
ISBN: 9781538608654
DOI: 10.1109/ZINC.2017.7968653
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