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Назив: Stochastic measurement of noise true rms using two-bit flash A/D converters
Аутори: Sovilj, Platon 
Vujičić B.
Sokola M.
Pejić, Dragan
Beljić Ž.
Mitrović, Zoran 
Датум издавања: 1-окт-2017
Часопис: Tehnicki Vjesnik
Сажетак: © 2017, Strojarski Facultet. All rights reserved. The paper presents an application of the stochastic measurement approach for true RMS and power of noise. The instrument structure is based on two 2-bit flash analog-to-digital (A/D) converters whose inputs are the dithered noise, and on accumulation of the product of the converters’ outputs. New theoretical expressions for predicting measurement result and measurement uncertainty, with inclusion of input signal’s stochastic nature, are derived. Extensive simulations and experiments prove the validity of the proposed method and its low measurement uncertainty, even at a relatively low sampling rate. These indicate that, beside general applications for noise measurements, the instrument is suitable for chemical and biological substances detection that utilizes graphene sensors.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2918
ISSN: 13303651
DOI: 10.17559/TV-20151124100705
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