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Назив: SIMO optical wireless links with nonzero boresight pointing errors over M modeled turbulence channels
Аутори: Varotsos G.
Nistazakis H.
Petković, Milica 
Djordjevic G.
Tombras G.
Датум издавања: 15-нов-2017
Часопис: Optics Communications
Сажетак: © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Over the last years terrestrial free-space optical (FSO) communication systems have demonstrated an increasing scientific and commercial interest in response to the growing demands for ultra high bandwidth, cost-effective and secure wireless data transmissions. However, due the signal propagation through the atmosphere, the performance of such links depends strongly on the atmospheric conditions such as weather phenomena and turbulence effect. Additionally, their operation is affected significantly by the pointing errors effect which is caused by the misalignment of the optical beam between the transmitter and the receiver. In order to address this significant performance degradation, several statistical models have been proposed, while particular attention has been also given to diversity methods. Here, the turbulence-induced fading of the received optical signal irradiance is studied through the M (alaga) distribution, which is an accurate model suitable for weak to strong turbulence conditions and unifies most of the well-known, previously emerged models. Thus, taking into account the atmospheric turbulence conditions along with the pointing errors effect with nonzero boresight and the modulation technique that is used, we derive mathematical expressions for the estimation of the average bit error rate performance for SIMO FSO links. Finally, proper numerical results are given to verify our derived expressions and Monte Carlo simulations are also provided to further validate the accuracy of the analysis proposed and the obtained mathematical expressions.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2837
ISSN: 304018
DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2017.07.055
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