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Назив: Towards 3D Cadastre in Serbia: Development of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model
Аутори: Radulović, Aleksandra 
Sladić, Dubravka 
Govedarica, Miro 
Датум издавања: 1-окт-2017
Часопис: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Сажетак: © 2017 by the authors. This paper proposes a Serbian cadastral domain model as the country profile for the real estate cadastre, based on the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), defined within ISO 19152. National laws and other legal acts were analyzed and the incorrect applications of the law are outlined. The national "Strategy of measures and activities for increasing the quality of services in the field of geospatial data and registration of real property rights in the official state records", which was adopted in 2017, cites the shortcomings of the existing cadastral information system. The proposed profile can solve several problems with the system, such as the lack of interoperability, mismatch of graphic and alphanumeric data, and lack of an integrated cadastral information system. Based on the existing data, the basic concepts of the Serbian cadastre were extracted and the applicability of LADM was tested on an obtained conceptual model. Upon obtaining positive results, a complete country profile was developed according to valid national laws and rulebooks. A table of mappings of LADM classes and country profile classes is presented in this paper, together with an analysis of the conformance level. The proposed Serbian country profile is completely conformant at the medium level and on several high-level classes. LADM also provides support for three-dimensional (3D) representations and 3D registration of rights, so the creation of a country profile for Serbia is a starting point toward a 3D cadastre. Given the existence of buildings with overlapping rights and restrictions in 3D, considering expanding the spatial profile with 3D geometries is necessary. Possible solutions to these situations were analyzed. Since the two-dimensional (2D) cadastre in Serbia is not fully formed, the proposed solution is to use the 2D model for simple right situations, and the 3D model for more complex situations.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2372
DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6100312
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