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Назив: Knowledge presentation by the MNSM-based controller for swimming motion of a snake-like robot
Аутори: Lu Z.
Xie Y.
Xu H.
Branislav B.
Li B.
Датум издавања: 1-мар-2018
Часопис: High Technology Letters
Сажетак: Copyright © by HIGH TECHNOLOGY LETTERS PRESS. A MNSM (mirror neuron system mechanism)-based controller is developed to present the swimming rhythm of a snake-like robot in Cartesian space. From engineering viewpoint, the proposed controller is composed of a neuron for rhythm angle and two neurons for motion knowledge in XY plane. The given knowledge is a rhythm curve for swimming motion of a snake-like robot. Experimental results show that the proposed controller can present the knowledge of swimming rhythm, which represents the corresponding control law to drive the snake-like robot to swim with different speeds and turning motion. This work provides a novel method to present the knowledge for swimming motion of snake-like robots.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1759
ISSN: 10066748
DOI: 10.3772/j.issn.1006-6748.2018.01.013
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