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Назив: Fear and anxiety in social setting: An experimental study
Аутори: Randelovic K.
Smederevac, Snežana 
Čolović, Petar 
Corr P.
Кључне речи: revised reinforcement sensitivity theory, social threat, potential versus real threat, cognitive biases
Датум издавања: 1-апр-2018
Пројекат: Serbian Ministry of 811 Education, Science and Technological Development 812 (Project Numbers 179006 and 179002)
Часопис: Journal of Individual Differences
Сажетак: © 2018 Hogrefe Publishing. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of dispositional and situational factors on cognitive biases. The theoretical background was based on Kimbrel's Mediated Model of Social Anxiety and the revised reinforcement sensitivity theory by Gray and McNaughton. Two experiments were conducted. Study 1 (78 participants [85.9% females, aged 19-21 years]) included the induction of potential social threat, while in Study 2 (121 participants [85.1% females, aged 19-23 years]) real threat was used. The Reinforcement Sensitivity Questionnaire was employed as a measure of personality traits (Behavioral Inhibition System [BIS], Behavioral Approach System [BAS], Fight, Flight, and Freeze). Cognitive biases were assessed with the Dot Probe Task (attentional bias), Incidental Free Recall Task (memory bias), and Social Probability Cost Questionnaire (judgmental bias). The probability of occurrence of negative events was higher in the experimental group. BIS contributed positively to the prediction of probability of occurrence of negative events; and Freeze was positively related to attention bias toward pleasant stimuli. The results of the second study showed that experimentally induced circumstances of social threats did not affect cognitive biases. BIS and Freeze contributed positively to prediction of probability and distress in social context, while BIS was positively related with probability of occurrence of negative social events.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1691
ISSN: 16140001
DOI: 10.1027/1614-0001/a000251
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