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Назив: The study of copper corrosion in the presence of selected triazole derivatives
Proučavanje korozije bakra u prisustvu odabranih derivata tiazola
Аутори: Nakomčić Jelena
Кључне речи: copper corrosion, thiazoles, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion measurement;korozija bakra, tiazoli, inhibitori korozije, koroziona merenja
Датум издавања: 8-дец-2016
Издавач: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Сажетак: <p>U ovom radu efikasnost odabranih derivata tiazola u inhibiciji korozije bakra u kiseloj<br />sulfatnoj sredini određena je u funkciji koncentracije inhibitora metodom merenja<br />gubitka mase, elektrohemijskom impedansnom spektroskopijom i potenciostatskom<br />polarizacijom. Polarizacionim merenjima takođe je određena zavisnost inhibitorske<br />efikasnosti od&nbsp; temperature i kinetički parametri procesa korozije bakra&nbsp; kao i&nbsp; model<br />adsorpcione izoterme prema kojem se odigrava proces adsorpcije&nbsp; inhibitora i&nbsp;odgovarajući termodinamički parametri. Merenjima kvarc kristalnom mikrovagom&nbsp;<em>in&nbsp;</em><br /><em>situ&nbsp; </em>je praćen proces elektrohemijskog rastvaranja bakra i adsorpcije ispitivanih<br />inhibitora. SEM/EDX analizom&nbsp; proučavana&nbsp; je promena morfologije bakarne povr&scaron;ine<br />usled dejstva korozione sredine i rastvora inhibitora.&nbsp; Rezultati eksperimentalnih<br />ispitivanja korelirani su&nbsp; sa teorijskim proračunima na nivou teorije funkcionala<br />gustine.</p>
<p>In this work, the efficiency of selected thiazole derivatives in&nbsp; the inhibition of corrosion of copper in the acidic sulfate solution is determined in&nbsp; the function ofthe inhibitors&nbsp; concentration by weight loss method,&nbsp; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiostatic polarization. The dependence of the inhibition efficiency of temperature and kinetic parameters of the process of corrosion ofcopper&nbsp; as well as&nbsp; adsorption isotherm model&nbsp; according to which takes place the process of adsorption of inhibitors and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters were also&nbsp; determined by polarization measurements.&nbsp; A process of electrochemical copper&nbsp; dissolution and&nbsp; adsorption of tested inhibitors is followedin situ&nbsp; by&nbsp; quartz crystal microbalance&nbsp; measurements Changes in the morphology of the copper surface due to the effects of corrosive environment and the solutions of the&nbsp; inhibitors were studied by SEM/EDX analysis.The experimental results were correlated with theoretical calculations at the density functional theory level.</p>
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16913
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