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Назив: Acclimation to long-term water deficit in the leaves of two sunflower hybrids: Photosynthesis, electron transport and carbon metabolism
Аутори: Panković D.
Sakač Z.
Kevrešan S. 
Plesničar M.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-1999
Часопис: Journal of Experimental Botany
Сажетак: The influence of long-term water deficit on photosynthesis, electron transport and carbon metabolism of sunflower leaves has been examined. Water deficit was imposed from flower bud formation up to the stage of full flowering in the field on two sunflower hybrids with different drought tolerance. CO 2 assimilation and stomatal conductance of the intact leaves, determined at atmospheric CO 2 and full sunlight (1500-2000 μmol guanta m -2 s -1 ), decreased with water deficit. Maximum quantum efficiency of PSII (F(v)/F(m) and relative quantum yield of PSII (Φ(II)) determined under similar experimental conditions, did not change significantly in severely stressed leaves. The strong inhibition of the plateau region of the light response curve, determined at high CO 2 (5%) in water-deficient sunflower leaves, indicates that photosynthesis is also limited by non-stomatal factors. The decreased slope and the plateau of the CO 2 response curves show that the capacity of carboxylation and RuBP regeneration decreased in severely stressed intact leaves. Rubisco specific activity decreased in severely stressed leaves, but Rubisco content increased under prolonged drought. The increase of Rubisco content was significantly higher in leaves of the drought-tolerant sunflower hybrid indicating that a higher Rubisco content could be one factor in conferring better acclimation and higher drought tolerance.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15697
ISSN: 00220957
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