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Назив: Repair methodology of reinforced concrete cooling towers
Аутори: Folic R.
Датум издавања: 1-јун-2009
Часопис: Concrete Engineering International
Сажетак: The repair work carried out at the coal-fired power plant's cooling towers in Tuzla, Bosnia, is discussed. The cooling towers are exposed to environmentally aggressive actions such as chloride, sulfate, etc. that have caused severe damage. The investigations needed when doing an evaluation of a reinforced concrete industrial bearing structure include compressive and tensile strength, depth of concrete cover, reinforcement corrosion and chloride and sulfate content. The damaged concrete will be removed by high-pressure water or air stream, except in places where pneumatic hammers are used. Reinforcement cleaning is carried out by grit blasting. The contractor establishes and maintains an appropriate quality assurance (QA) system for rehabilitation works. The aim of testing after the application of repair work is to guarantee to the contractor and the project manager/supervisor that the objectives defined in the technical documentation have been achieved. The selection of repair materials with minimal drying shrinkage is critical for durable repair.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15640
ISSN: 1742352X
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