Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15333
Назив: Semantic Web based architecture for managing hardware heterogeneity in wireless sensor network
Аутори: Nikolić S.
Penca, Valentin 
Segedinac M.
Konjović Z.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2011
Часопис: International Journal of Computer Science and Applications
Сажетак: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are vivid and relatively new paradigm. Usually they are built for the specific purposes which, in the case of large systems of WSNs, can result in high level of hardware heterogeneity. In this paper an ontology-based model aimed at resolving the hardware heterogeneity in large systems of WSNs, and the GLOSENT architecture that facilitates integration of heterogeneous WSNs are proposed. As a proof of concept a concrete SN device SunSPOT isrepresented using proposed ontology. © Technomathematics Research Foundation.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15333
ISSN: 9729038
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