Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14975
Назив: Modeling and optimization of multilayer thick film inductors
Аутори: Jenei S.
Aleksic O.
Zivanov L.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-1997
Часопис: Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics
Сажетак: Different planar inductive structures were designed, simulated, fabricated in multilayer thick film technology and measured. Analytical analysis and computer simulations of design inductor parameters were performed for optimization of thick film multilayer inductors in order to achieve desired electrical characteristics. One original CAD has been developed and can be useful generally in a different design simulations. Two prototype series were realized on Al2O3 substrate using Pd/Ag conductive paste and Ni-ferrite paste for magnetic layers: inductors on magnetic layer and `sandwich' inductors.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14975
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