Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14781
Назив: Soft mechanochemical synthesis and characterization of nanodimensional spinel ferrites
Аутори: Lazarević Z.
Milutinović, Aleksandra 
Romčević M.
Romčević N.
Jovalekić C.
Sekulić D.
Slankamenac M.
Датум издавања: 31-окт-2012
Часопис: Proceedings of 2012 21st IEEE Int. Symp. on Applications of Ferroelectrics held jointly with 11th IEEE European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics and IEEE PFM, ISAF/ECAPD/PFM 2012
Сажетак: NiFe 2O 4 and ZnFe 2O 4 ferrites have been prepared by soft mechanochemical synthesis. The sintered samples were analyzed by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Investigation of the magnetization as a function of magnetic field confirms an expected change of the degree of inversion in the spinel structure with the sintering. Impedance spectroscopy on the sintered pellets of ferrites was performed in the wide frequency range (100 Hz-10 MHz) at different temperatures using an Impedance/Gain-Phase Analyzer (HP-4194). © 2012 IEEE.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14781
ISBN: 9781467326681
DOI: 10.1109/ISAF.2012.6297730
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