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Назив: Simulation model of general human and humanoid motion
Аутори: Vukobratović M.
Potkonjak V.
Babković, Kalman 
Borovac, Branislav 
Датум издавања: 1-феб-2007
Часопис: Multibody System Dynamics
Сажетак: In the last decade we have witnessed a rapid growth of Humanoid Robotics, which has already constituted an autonomous research field. Humanoid robots (or simply humanoids) are expected in all situations of humans' everyday life, "living" and cooperating with us. They will work in services, in homes, and hospitals, and they are even expected to get involved in sports. Hence, they will have to be capable of doing diverse kinds of tasks. This forces the researchers to develop an appropriate mathematical model to support simulation, design, and control of these systems. Another important fact is that today's, and especially tomorrow's, humanoid robots will be more and more humanlike in their shape and behavior. A dynamic model developed for an advanced humanoid robot may become a very useful tool for the dynamic analysis of human motion in different tasks (walking, running and jumping, manipulation, various sports, etc.). So, we derive a general model and talk about a human-and-humanoid simulation system. The basic idea is to start from a human/humanoid considered as a free spatial system ("flier"). Particular problems (walking, jumping, etc.) are then considered as different contact tasks - interaction between the flier and various objects (being either single bodies or separate dynamic systems). © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2007.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14674
ISSN: 13845640
DOI: 10.1007/s11044-006-9034-2
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