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Назив: A methodology for introducing new types of tickets in an urban public transport network
Аутори: Gladović, Pavle 
Bojovic N.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2000
Часопис: International Journal of Transport Economics
Сажетак: The types of tickets used in an urban public transport network reflect traditional objectives and functions they are intended to serve. They contribute to the formation of optimal transport capacity, increase the attractivity of public transport companies, and are an aid to passengers in utilizing the transport capacity more efficiently (journeys on Sundays or in off-peak periods). In this paper we present a methodology for introducing new types of tickets in an urban public transport network with the aim of increasing the attractivity of using the network, on one hand, and providing a higher income, on the other. The proposed procedure has been tested using data obtained in the "Beograd" Urban Transport Company.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14431
ISSN: 3918440
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