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Назив: School management in Serbia: Key aspects of its relation to school success
Аутори: Ratković-NJegovan, Biljana 
Crnomarković M.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2012
Часопис: Journal of East European Management Studies
Сажетак: This paper provides an overview of the present state of management of school systems in the Republic of Serbia, and discusses the issue of introducing professional school management. Present underdevelopment of school management reflects the fact that decision making on virtually all aspects of education are strictly state centralized. Education process also suffers from poor cooperation between parents and school. The survey was conducted in 12 schools in the Republic of Serbia, the participants being head teachers, teachers, school psychologists and pedagogical consultants. In this paper, the key research findings are discussed with respect to the necessity of efficient school development planning and allowing education staff greater control over the education process.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13912
ISSN: 9496181
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