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Назив: Expenditure model of line ranking in the public mass passengers transportation system
Аутори: Gladović, Pavle 
Popović V.
Peulić V.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2011
Часопис: Promet - Traffic - Traffico
Сажетак: In all the cities of Serbia that have organized systems of public mass passenger transport (PMPT), over the past several years more and more private transport companies are being included in the network of city and suburban transportation lines. The inclusion of private transport companies in the PMPT system via public tenders should be preceded by the procedure of calculation of the realistic income and system functioning expenses in order to establish possible balances of needs for City Budget subsidies, as well as the elements on Contract of entrusting this vital communal activity of every city. The new principle for determining the total cost of PMPT system functioning, based on line difficulty ranking, has been presented in this paper.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13695
ISSN: 3535320
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v23i6.185
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