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Назив: Influence of a thin copper shield on a BLDC motor parameters
Аутори: Burány N.
Herceg D.
Pekarić-Nađ, Neda 
Датум издавања: 1-авг-2012
Часопис: Electronics
Сажетак: A simplified model of a brushless DC motor segment is studied in this work. Shielding of the ferromagnetic structure with a high conductivity layer is explored. The shield is supposed to reduce the ohmic losses of the magnets and of the entire structure, particularly at the higher frequencies. In order to verify that, both calculations and measurements of the power loss are accomplished for the model first. In conclusion, locked rotor measurements are performed on a real BLDC motor in order to validate the results.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13485
ISSN: 14505843
DOI: 10.7251/ELS1216037B
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