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Назив: One method of renewal of stereographic survey data in Čoka municipality
Аутори: Ninkov T.
Govedarica, Miro 
Trifković Milan 
Датум издавања: 1-јун-2012
Часопис: Geodetski List
Сажетак: This research presents an approach to solving the problem of establishing the real estate cadastre in real estate cadastre services in Serbia, where stereographic survey still exists. These problems are analyzed, set the goal and solutions are proposed. Old, damaged and not updated plans, the impossibility of detecting changes in the missing parts of the plan or map are characteristics of the cadastre based on stereographic method for over 25% of the province of Vojvodina. Without up to date and current topographic data, there is not, nor is possible to simply, fast and accurately reach necessary data to establish and maintain the real estate cadastre. The main goal of this research is to propose the procedure for achievement of real estate cadastre throughout the territory covered by the stereographic projection. Proposed procedure is based on the implementation of new technologies for collecting and processing of graphic and alphanumeric data, using geographic information systems technology, digital technology and photogrammetry. Photogrammetric survey of the whole country (made in 2007), provides digital orthophoto plans to become the main source of data acquisition, especially in damaged cadastral maps. The new methodology used and tested on nearly 60% of the Čoka municipality area provides easy, fast and accurate data acquisition.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13421
ISSN: 0016710X
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