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Назив: Comparative research of accumulation of heavy metals in woody plants and herbs
Аутори: Sijacic-Nikolic M.
Krstic B.
Vilotic D.
Stanković, D.
Oljaca R.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2011
Часопис: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Сажетак: Vascular plants can precisely indicate the presence and intensity of different pollutants (heavy metals, chemical substances etc.) in air and soil in natural ecosystems as well as in the urban environments. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants in higher concentrations indicates the relative increase and the pollution spread all over the habitat. For comparative analyses of heavy metal contents (Pb, Ni, Zn, Fe and Mn) in leaves, we have chosen four plant species, two woody: Silver lime (Tillia tomentosa Mnch.) and European Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) and two herbs: Plantain (Plantago media L.) and Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Web.). The research was performed on three locations away from the central part of the city of Belgrade and one location in the city centre on soil loaded with heavy metals. The obtained results indicate that herbs are capable of accumulation of higher quantities of Pb, Ni, Zn and Fe in their leaves than woody plants growing in the same habitat. Cluster analysis dendogram clearly shows grouping of woody plants and herbs in two homogenous groups indicating their differences and specific group characteristics concerning the uptake and deposition of heavy metals by plants. © by PSP.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12659
ISSN: 10184619
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