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Назив: About the Serbian energy efficiency problems
Аутори: Gvozdenac D.
Simić T.
Датум издавања: 9-нов-2012
Часопис: Thermal Science
Сажетак: This paper analyzes energy efficiency in Serbia. The analysis has been done on the basis of energy intensity indicators for Serbia and neighboring countries, and some other countries and regions. It relates to the period of some ten years and it is directed to the consideration of required interventions regarding the change of the National Energy Efficiency Policy. Regardless of constant attempts to improve and increase energy efficiency and to expand utilization of renewable energy sources, it seems that accomplished results are still very modest. The analysis of several energy indicators and their changes in the midterm period confirms this statement.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12652
ISSN: 03549836
DOI: 10.2298/TSCI120205056G
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