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Назив: Narrow band imaging videobronchoscopy improves assessment of lung cancer extension and influences therapeutic strategy
Аутори: Bojan Zarić 
Heinrich Becker
Branislav Perin 
Aleksandra Jovelić
Goran Stojanović 
Miroslav Ilić 
Živka Eri 
Milana Panjković 
Dušanka Obradović 
Milan Antonić
Кључне речи: bronchoscopy;diagnostics;lung cancer;narrow band imaging;interventional pulmonology;videobronchoscopy
Датум издавања: 19-окт-2009
Часопис: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Сажетак: Objective: Narrow band imaging (NBI) videobronchoscopy is a new technique aimed at lung cancer detection. This study investigated its sensitivity and specificity for evaluation of lung cancer extension and its possible influence on therapeutic decision, compared with white light videobronchoscopy. Methods: In this prospective study, we evaluated 106 patients with suspected lung cancer. All patients were examined using EVIS LUCERA videoendoscopy system. In every patient, at least three biopsies were taken from places visualized as pathologic, surrounding primary tumor, and three biopsies from places that appeared normal. The overall number of biopsies performed in 106 patients was 636. Results: The specificity and sensitivity of NBI in revealing greater lung cancer extension were 85.6% and 95%, respectively; positive and negative predictive values were 84% and 95.6%, respectively. Specificity and sensitivity were significantly better when compared with white light bronchoscopy alone (P < 0.01). NBI led to the change in therapeutic decision in 14 patients. There was statistically significant correlation between NBI assessment of tumor extension and change in therapeutic decision (P < 0.000). Conclusions: NBI showed significantly better specificity and sensitivity in the assessment of lung cancer extension. NBI proved that it might have potential influence on therapeutic decision, making it more accurate. The procedure is safe and easily deployed in everyday practice. © The Author (2009). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11925
ISSN: 3682811
DOI: 10.1093/jjco/hyp083
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