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Назив: A novel software architecture for smart metering systems
Аутори: Vukmirovic S.
Erdeljan A.
Lendak, Imre 
Čapko, Darko 
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2010
Часопис: Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
Сажетак: For smart metering systems (SMSs), this study presents a novel architecture, which allows simple, secure and fast integration of SMSs with other software products. Proposed architecture that combines better features of two models [Common Information Model (CIM) and OPC's Unified Architecture (UA)] has proven in practice as a good basis for a commercial Meter Data Management System. In a case study, created using data from a pilot project, 7 experiments determined memory usage of OPC UA and CIM servers, duration of exporting data out of CIM and importing them to OPC UA, and size of XML export file.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11309
ISSN: 224456
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