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Назив: Effect of low concentration of sodium naphthenate on uptake of some metal ions by soybean plants
Аутори: Kevrešan S. 
Ćirin-Novta V.
Kuhajda K.
Kandrač J.
Petrović, N.
Grbović L.
Kevrešan, Žarko 
Датум издавања: 25-авг-2005
Часопис: Belgian Journal of Botany
Сажетак: Treatment with sodium naphthenate (10-7 M), an important organic contaminant, significantly increased concentrations of Mn, Fe, Zn and Ni , but decreased K and Na contents in roots of young soybean plants. On the other hand, only increases in Fe and Mn were observed in stems and leaves, respectively. In roots, Mn content was four times higher, whereas contents of Fe, Zn and Ni increased by 17%, 60% and 68%, respectively. The root concentration of K and Na decreased by 41% and 66%, comparatively to controls. Our results confirm that the impact of naphthenate on mineral nutrition depend on the considered element. © Royal Botanical Society of Belgium.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10992
ISSN: 07784031
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