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Назив: Entropy and Gaussianity - Measures of deterministic dynamics of heart rate and blood pressure signals of rats
Аутори: Lončar-Turukalo, Tatjana 
Milosavljevic S.
Sarenac O.
Japundzic-Zigon N.
Bajić, Dragana 
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2008
Часопис: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Сажетак: Heart rate and blood pressure short-term variability analysis represent promising quantitative measures of the cardiovascular autonomic controls. The analysis include traditional statistical analytical tools and a number of methods based on nonlinear system theory, recently developed to give better insight into complex HR and BP time series. These methods might reveal abnormalities that may not be uncovered by traditional measures. This paper investigates the measure of entropy of HR and BP time series as a consequence of the involvement of the autonomic nervous system, assessed in conscious telemetred rats under blockade of β-adrenergic, α-adrenergic and M-cholinergic receptors.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10928
ISSN: 17858860
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