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Назив: Cracking of an aircraft wheel rim made from al-alloy 2014-T6
Аутори: Kosec G.
Kovačlč G.
Hodolič J.
Kosec B.
Датум издавања: 1-окт-2010
Часопис: Metalurgija
Сажетак: Generally failures of different aircraft components and parts are revealed and examined by the use of non-destructive examination methods. In further detailed explanation and interpretation of failures optical and scanning electron microscopy are used. This paper deals with a problem of a crack on aircraft wheel rim made from aluminium alloy 2014-T6. The crack was observed during regular control by the maintenance unit for non-destructive examination of the Slovenian air carrier Adria Airways. The crack on the rim of an aircraft wheel investigated was a typical fatigue crack. At same time a numerous pits were found which served as stress concentrations on the rim surface.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10817
ISSN: 05435846
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