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Назив: Providing customer satisfaction: Certain aspects from serbian case study
Аутори: Ćoćkalo, Dragan 
Đorđevic, Dejan
Bešić, Cariša
Sajfert, Zvonko
Krnjevic-Miskovic, Z.
Кључне речи: customer satisfaction;relationship marketing;process
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2010
Часопис: Technics Technologies Education Management
Сажетак: This paper presents the parts of research which relationship marketing and customer satisfaction incorpotare as an integral part of theoretically (in general) defined model for providing satisfaction of customers requirements [7]. This research also included an interviewing of companies and experts from Republic of Serbia. The objectives was to show that the relationship marketing concept and customers satisfaction can be accepted and implemented in Serbian economy. Customers' satisfaction is explained from the standpoint of relationship marketing: how much modern Serbian companies take care about customers' requirements and satisfaction, if they recognize the elements of relationship marketing in their own business activities and how they evaluate them concerning their business significance, how they manage and organize the recognizing processes of customers' requirements together with measuring customers' satisfaction; what methods they use, how they incorporate the effects of researching, monitoring, measuring and analyses in their own business. Also, research compares a companies’ and the experts’ opinion.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9696
ISSN: 1840-1503
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