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Назив: Sweet and sour cherry decorative forms
Аутори: Ljubojević, Mirjana 
Ognjanov, Vladislav 
Bošnjaković D.
Barać, Goran 
Ognjanov M.
Mladenović, Emina 
Čukanović, Jelena 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2008
Часопис: Genetika
Сажетак: Biodiversity of natural populations, biodiversity located on farm and the introduced cultivars and selections are a rich source of genetic variability in sour and sweet cherries, but they have never been bread with the aim of creating decorative varieties. Low vigour - dwarfing and upright - sour cherry genotypes, NS 1/16 KK and NS 1/24 KK, were selected from natural population of Fruška Gora and private arboretum, respectively. Sweet cherry selections NS 6/15 K and RŠ 8/27 were part of on farm conservation of genetic resources. Furthermore, reduction in vigour was achieved by defining specific combining abilities as a result of rootstock/scion interaction. The outcome of this study is unique columnar and dwarf forms that integrate specific genetic potential of varieties and selections, their interaction with rootstocks and traditional horticultural skills. Collected biodiversity is another confirmation that the Balkan peninsula is one of the most valuable secondary centres of genetic diversity and inexhaustible gene pool for breeding both, varieties and vegetative rootstocks.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9602
ISSN: 05340012
DOI: 10.2298/GENSR1202367L
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