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Назив: The influence of gear parameters on the surface durability of gear flanks
Аутори: Sajfert Z.
Ristivojevic M.
Rosic B.
Radovic D.
Adamovic Z.
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-2011
Часопис: Strojarstvo
Сажетак: Load gear pairs is limited to the surface and volume strength of teeth. Shape profile pair of teeth has a great influence on the surface durability of gear flanks. Contact stess and specific sliding on the flanks of the function extreme shapes of the pair of teeth. At the same time, the contact stress and specific sliding are the main criteria for evaluation of carrying capacity of tooth flanks. In this paper we analyzed the simultaneous influence of the inclination angle profile, the addendum modification coefficient and the number of teeth on the tooth flank load capacity of cylindrical gear pairs. Based on these results allow us to define the optimum parameters of cylindrical gear pairs in terms of specific sliding and the contact stresses on the flanks.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9555
ISSN: 05621887
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