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Назив: Willingness to adopt and apply web 2.0 technologies in secondary education - Case of Vojvodina
Аутори: Sakal, Marton 
Matković, Predrag 
Tumbas, Pere 
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2012
Часопис: Croatian Journal of Education
Сажетак: The rapid admission of information and communication technologies (ICT) into all the pores of social and economic life has (fortunately) included the education sphere: the ever-growing need for new knowledge acquisition methods unambiguously points to a need to step outside the established, analogue education systems into the digital, virtual educational space. Over the past few years, blogs, wikis, multimedia sharing and social networking sites have created a qualitatively new approach to knowledge, education and schooling. This article starts from the assumption that the advantages of Web 2.0 technologies can be channelled in favour of the common interest of all education process participants, and to that end, the authors have conducted empirical research into the level of willingness of key stakeholders (students, parents and teachers) in secondary education in Vojvodina to adopt contemporary, Web 2.0 based methods of knowledge transfer, sharing and adoption.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9372
ISSN: 18485189
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