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Назив: Creativity strategy for mathematics instruction
Аутори: Pintér Krekić, Valéria 
Ivanović, Josip 
Кључне речи: fluency; originality; redefinition; sensitivity to problems; wealth of ideas.
Датум издавања: 17-јул-2013
Издавач: Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education
Часопис: Croatian Journal of Education
Сажетак: Creativity is at the highest level of man's intellectual abilities, and the most precious mission of a modern school is to develop creative capacities and foster creativity in students. However, the practice of mathematics instruction often uses rigid algorithms and so inhibits students to develop sensitivity to problems, flexibility of mind, fluency of ideas, and originality in solving problems. Poor efficiency and unpopularity of mathematics instruction are the most common consequences of this situation. This paper aimed at developing a creativity strategy for mathematics instruction in lower grades of primary school, and at verifying the outcomes of creativity-based instruction. We developed a methodological framework for fostering creativity in this type of instruction, and carried out experimental research into the efficiency of the defined system for fostering creativity in initial mathematics instruction. Our wish was to contribute to updating and improving initial mathematics instruction.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8802
ISSN: 1848-5189
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v15i2.290
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