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Назив: Educational tendencies: Private and alternative schools
Аутори: Milutinović, Jovana 
Zuković, Slađana 
Датум издавања: 9-сеп-2013
Часопис: Croatian Journal of Education
Сажетак: The aim of this paper is to highlight the concepts of private and alternative education, and their relationships and interactions. The focus is on the analysis of experiences regarding the work of private and alternative primary (compulsory) schools, with the emphasis on a wide range of practices implemented in particular central European countries in order to promote and implement the parental choice of school. The conclusion is that educational reforms in the region are conditioned by specific cultural characteristics of each country and its local communities. However, what most of them have in common is the fact that they regulated private education by law at the beginning of the transition. Also, the conclusion is that Serbia is still at the very beginning when it comes to the development of pedagogical and school pluralism observed through activities of private and alternative schools.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8676
ISSN: 18485189
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