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Назив: CHAOS in computing the environmental interface temperature: Nonlinear dynamic and complexity analysis of solutions
Аутори: Mimić, Gordan 
Mihailović, Dragutin
Budinčević, Mirko
Датум издавања: окт-2013
Часопис: Modern Physics Letters B
Сажетак: In this paper, we consider an environmental interface as a complex system, in which difference equations for calculating the environmental interface temperature and deeper soil layer temperature are represented by the coupled maps. First equation has its background in the energy balance equation while the second one in the prognostic equation for deeper soil layer temperature, commonly used in land surface parametrization schemes. Nonlinear dynamical consideration of this coupled system includes: (i) examination of period one fixed point and (ii) bifurcation analysis. Focusing part of analysis is calculation of the Lyapunov exponent for a specific range of values of system parameters and discussion about domain of stability for this coupled system. Finally, we calculate Kolmogorov complexity of time series generated from the coupled system. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8605
ISSN: 02179849
DOI: 10.1142/S021798491350190X
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