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Назив: Hydrogeochemical characteristics of underground aquifer level, lakes and surface flows of the area of bela Crkva-ecological status
Аутори: Vidovic M.
Gordanic V.
Spasic-Jokic V.
Rogan, Dragan 
Petrović, Višnja
Датум издавања: 18-дец-2013
Часопис: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM
Сажетак: In the phase of research of geomedical status of the area of Vršac-Bela Crkva, water samples were collected from surface flows, wells and boreholes (source of water supply "Straža") and lakes as well. In water, contents of U, Ra, Rn were determined, as well as contents of micro components Zn, Pb, Cu, Sr, Li, Mo, Ni, Co, F, Br, J, Fe2+, Fe3+ etc., anionic-cationic composition, pH value, Eh, Ep, mineralization, SiO2 and from gases CO2, O2 and H2S. Sampling net was adjusted to hydrographic characteristics of the terrain, and making of hydrogeochemical map 1:50000. Beside hydrogeochemical prospection, stream sediments of soil were collected and mapping of coastal profiles of the following lakes was conducted: Vračarevo lake, Jezero lake, Šaransko lake, Bagersko lake, Grand lake, also radiometric prospection was performed, with the purpose of identification ecological and geomedical status of the region of Bela Crkva. In accordance to geological-structural characteristics of the region of Vršac-Bela Crkva, lithogeochemical prospection was performed, in order to correlate the influences of natural radionuclides U, Th, K in the rocks of Vršac Hills and sediments of the surroundings of Bela Crkva. Research results are shown in geochemical maps, tables and diagrams. © SGEM2013 All Rights Reserved by the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8491
ISBN: 9789549181876
ISSN: 13142704
DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2013/BA1.V2/S02.027
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