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Назив: Mathematical induction in deductive systems of logic programming
Аутори: Jovanović, Veljko
Hotomski P.
Датум издавања: 1-дец-2005
Часопис: MIPRO 2005 - 28th International Convention Proceedings: Computers in Technical Systems and Intelligent Systems
Сажетак: The analysis of deductive systems of logic programming has been worked out in this paper, from the standpoint of possibility to use mathematical induction in the process of mathematical theorems proving. It has been presented the possibility of using mathematical induction in automated theorem proving by implementing reverse induction law to deductive mechanisms. So improved deductive system with implemented mathematical induction enables derivation of proofs also in cases when it is not known in advance if the proof would need induction. Special facility in using this system is that proof can be conducted without explicitly adding induction axiom for each separate predicate, because it as a rule, has been included in the system itself. © 2005 by MIPRO All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8402
ISBN: 9532330127
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